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Again, on which she sports a classic button-up and a pair of blue jeans. “I might have put this together myself,” she says. “I would have imagined that somebody said, ‘Why don’t you do a little Marilyn [Monroe] look?’ Marilyn Manson, more like it!” The ’70s were relatively toned down for Dolly, but her signature glamour began to take form in the The Big Steppers Tour We Cry Together 2022 Tee Shirt and by the same token and ’80s. Parton recalls attending the premiere of her film 9 to 5 in 1980 and being completely new to the red carpet experience. She enlisted the film’s costume designer, Ann Roth, to make a dress for her, resulting in an embroidered, strapless pink gown with a matching fur stole. “I remember feeling really pretty,” Parton says. “That was probably the first time that I
