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women vanishes. Propulsive and captivating, the Official Tomcat Disposables Will Wood 2022 Shirt but in fact I love this latest novel from the author of Bury What We Cannot Take juxtaposes the hushed sanctuaries of high fashion with the Shenzhen sweatshops where imitation goods are produced. It’s a provocative story of fashion, friendship, and fakes (in more ways than one), with characters that both subvert and capitalize on the model-minority myth. No surprise that the sly feminist caper was the subject of a fierce eight-way bidding war for TV rights. —L.W.M. Originally published by Topside Press in 2013, Binnie’s debut novel—which follows a young, punk-aspiring trans woman who heads west from New York City in her ex-girlfriend’s stolen car, attempting to play the fraught role of role model to a younger, not-yet-out acolyte she meets in
