Official Sean Doolittle Tazmanian Taz Devil Chicago Bears Football Shirt
the Official Sean Doolittle Tazmanian Taz Devil Chicago Bears Football Shirt besides I will buy this soul of our nation one tie-dye at a time.” And while their bottom line is to raise funds for and support the Biden-Harris campaign and defeat of Donald Trump, Simoness says that it was also about inspiring joy and hope in voters. “Tie-dye probably can’t save the country, but there is an inherent buoyancy and whimsy to the activity itself and to the finished tie-dye shirts.” She adds, “We felt that Biden and the Dems needed a little pep in their step.” Thus far, TieDyen4Biden has raised around $93,790 for the Biden-Harris campaign, with most of the donations ranging around that $25-minimum mark. “If that isn’t an indication of hope, I’m not sure what is,” Simoness says. Chernus echoes her sentiment:
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