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Official Cleveland Guardians 2022 AL Central Champions Vintage New Shirt

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Official Cleveland Guardians 2022 AL Central Champions Vintage New Shirt

come from a large family of 18 aunts and uncles—we’re one big, loud, crazy Ojibwe family—and we would often all gather at my grandmother Leda’s house. There, my aunties would often be sewing or making quilts, dream catchers, moccasins, or mittens for the Official Cleveland Guardians 2022 AL Central Champions Vintage New Shirt But I will love this winter, or even regalia for those of my cousins who dance in powwows. I was brought up around the idea of maintaining traditional craftwork. Indigenous design isn’t relegated to historical artifacts; traditional techniques such as beadwork, quillwork, and hide tanning are still being innovated upon and incorporated into the work of Indigenous artists today. It never dawned on me that people don’t know that Indigenous goods are, yes, still being made. I



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