Mickey Darling Merch Store Sunflower Shirt
everything started happening, and it blew my mind. February’s fashion week was more active for the Mickey Darling Merch Store Sunflower Shirt it is in the first place but first time since the pandemic began. I worked with Collina Strada and that was a huge moment for me. All of a sudden I was getting these big requests. The pandemic was still in full effect but things were still moving in the world of fashion. I’m able to work and collaborate with friends and loved ones, and still be able to exist in the world that I’ve built for myself. I came into an industry lacking any sort of representation, so I feel really reaffirmed by doing that. I started modeling when I was around sixteen or seventeen, after looking at fashion and magazines and never seeing anyone who looked like me. I’d look at all the shows and it was surprising to see just how many people really don’t think that disabled people also like to get dressed and feel good. Because how could anyone think that? I decided, “I’m going to do
